Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday morning coffee

I've got my morning latte, and blogger let me upload a photo of Tubey, after I threatened to use instead:

Tubey doesn't photograph that well in progress, unless the photographer is energetic enough to move it to scrap yarn and try it on, and well, my latte would get cold. I have a couple of inches done on the body. I managed to pick up the right number of stitches, which was really tedious and horrible, but now it's done, the ribbing is going quickly. That's about it for knitting news. Oh, except that I reorganized my stash yesterday, and I now have a bag of "yarn scraps" isolated from the rest of the yarn that's in neat balls. I have a "feltable" bag and a "kids" bag, and I know where everything is now!

Reading: I still haven't picked a book to read next. I might go ahead and start The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion (my book club book).

Writing: Still at 12,500. I had to revise my chapter three goal to next Wednesday.

Cooking: Nothing too exciting. I might put up my hummus recipe if I can remember the amounts I used. StringBean, keep me posted on how Pasta Sam is going :)

1 comment:

String Bean said...

See? The lilac against the charcoal DOES look great! I love the grey you're using, too.