Wednesday, February 22, 2006

No Birds Were Harmed in the Making of This Post

We have bird feeders on our porch, which is separated by a sliding glass door. Geronimo loves to hang out behind the TV and make odd chirping noises as he stalks the birds. Mirando also enjoys this in warmer weather when we have the sliding door cracked open and he can hear them.

Mirando enjoying a new box, courtesy of He's like Ralphie from The Simpsons, and would love the box factory. "Yay, boxes!"

Knitting: Well, after I didn't have much time for knitting over the weekend, I was starting to think that the Olympics finish line was just not going to happen. But yesterday, I got quite a bit done on the front:

If I can get the sleeves done by Friday and devote the weekend to finishing (which is going to be substantial), I should make it!

Reading: Still reading The Iowa Baseball Confederacy and enjoying it. I noticed that it took approximately one-third of the page total for Kinsella to get to the "main event" of his novel, but I'm not bothered by that. He's definitely a storyteller, and not rushing toward the finish line. I'm enjoying the meandering journey toward the resolution, and I don't think it's a flaw--it's the kind of book he's writing.

Writing: This is ridiculous, I know, but I found the idea for my second Novel. Ack. I'm just jotting things down so I won't forget them. I hope to have Chapter Two of the Murder Mystery finished by the end of the week, and I'm still doing research for the Novel.

Cooking: I made more broth, but I haven't done anything too exciting with it; just the same vegetable soups I've been making.

1 comment:

leedav said...

Hey! I'm in the knitting Olympics too and found your blog while perusing the list of participants blogs. I was sad to miss book club but didn't have time to finish anyway with all the knitting I have been doing. I was thinking of trying to get all the Madison Olympians together on Sunday. Are you interested? I'll call you tonight to see if I can drop off your DVD's and pick up the last season.