Mirando is much more adventurous than Geronimo. Here, Geronimo scratches his special-order scratching post to let us know he's happy to be home.

Knitting: Still working on Marie Louise. I didn't get much done over the weekend, so I need to pick up the pace a bit. I'll put up another picture once the front is done.
Reading: I just finished reading Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore. It's his first novel, and it's not quite as tight as Island of the Sequined Love Nun. It was still very enjoyable. Moore is wickedly funny, with sometimes excessively complicated plots. But if the plot was occasionally clunky or contrived, it doesn't affect the humor, oddball characters, and chaotic conclusions. I'll certainly be reading more of his books. I've started The Iowa Baseball Conferacy by W.P. Kinsella, who also wrote Shoeless Joe, upon which the film Field of Dreams was based. I'm a sucker for magical realism, so I'm enjoying it so far.
Writing: I hope to have draft one of chapter two of the murder mystery done this week. I'm almost through with the revisions of chapter one. Still researching on the Novel.
Cooking: My soup kick over the last few weeks has depleted my broth supply, so I'll be making more today.
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