I'm not ready with real content to post today, but MLE Knits gave me the Make My Day Award, which really, well, made MY day. So I wanted to say thank you and continue the award:
"Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."
Knit Pastis
String Bean
Stefaneener (Reading While Knitting)
Marie (A Knit's Tale)
Rachel (Lickety Knit)
It's hard to limit the number of awards, isn't it? Anyway, you guys all make my day!
Thank you :-) You just made my day.
Well crap! Thank you!!!! :-)
That's unusually sweet of you! Thanks.
Thanks! Can I give it back to you now? :D
I'm not sure I can stick it on my blog since I'm using a library computer, but I'll try.
Thank you! :) You just made my day too.
"Sproingy"?? that would be a technical term, no?
Lovely lace sock.
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